Haven Middle Grades
Karla Schlatter
Middle Grades Director
Mom to four boys ages 11- 18, Karla Schlatter has always had a passion for education. She has a degree in elementary education from Dordt College and has used her education and passion in a variety of ways. The last twenty years have been filled with a variety of roles for Karla including, middle school teacher, special education teacher, stay at home mom, and assistant to a speech pathologist. In 2020 a new role was added, home educator. Karla loves learning about learning and is looking forward to sharing her passion for education with the students in the Haven Middle Grade program as well as joining in community with other home education families.
Ann Newcomer
Geography Tutor
Bio Coming Soon.
Lindi Fahrenthold
Day Camp Instructor
Bio Coming Soon!
Donita Hammond
Communications Assistant
Bio Coming Soon!
Leah Graves
Recruitment Assistant
Greetings, Haven families! We’re so honored to have you here! My name is Leah Graves and I’m momma to five kiddos - four teenagers and a two year old sugar boy. We’re beginning our tenth year homeschooling and we’ve employed more than ten strategies to homeschool our very different-from-each-other kiddos. We’ve enjoyed being creative and scrappy in this homeschooling adventure! Our favorite thing about homeschooling is using it as a tool in our parenting toolbox to teach our kids to engage the Word of God, the world around them and to be deeply curious about others. That being said, the journey is hard at times and having a safe and vibrant community to adventure alongside is SO MUCH FUN! Beyond homeschooling, twelve years ago our family - along with another family - started a nonprofit, Blessed Hope Family, that supports foster and adoptive caregivers and their families to stay stronger for longer. We love the community of Salina and all that God is doing here … Go God, go team! Again, welcome to the Haven Academy community - we're so glad you’re here!